PROJECT TREE Sustainability Activity Quarterly Report (October to December 2023)
We grasp 4th quarter of 2023 with engagement to 1,038 Smallholders (Male 834, Female 204). As of 31 December 2023, total 7,921 smallholders participated in PROJECT TREE (6,566 Male, 1,355 Female). Since 2021, PROJECT TREE have been working on capacity building towards smallholder suppliers in 187 villages in 3 Provinces where we are sourcing from. We value positive feedback from smallholders to PROJECT TREE like Mr. Samsir, the head of one farmer group UPPB Harapan Jaya in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatera. He appreciates PROJECT TREE who encourage all smallholder’s member to adopt good agricultural practice and gain better yield. He hopes PROJECT TREE can embrace more and more natural rubber smallholders in the future.